Driving Fast
Besmellah Erra7maan Erra7eem
El7amd'lellah rab el 3aalameen wl 9alaat wl salaam 3ala ashraf el anbeyaa2 wl morsaleen.
Driving fast is one of the major causes of death on roads, the control on the car decreases as the car speeds up. How many times have we heard of young local men end up in a tragic accident? I'm sure we all heard of horrible stories (Nes2al Allah el salaamah). I've noticed in many Masjids in Dubai posters have been hung on the doors which were about Islamic scholars agreed that driving fast is 7araam cuz its "ElQaa2 elnafs ela Al Tahlokah". While driving we have to control ourselves, I know nearly all people love to drive fast but we have to control ourselves and control 'El nafs w ahwaa2na', el ensaan mayefle7 lo yemshi 3ala hwaah. There are rules to follow and think of it in an Islamic way, our Religion wants us to listen to our parents and rulers of the country, so when you follow the rules you get ajer, w Allah y'6aa3ef lman yashaa2, ya3ni imagine with me, if you wear the seat belt you get ajer, when you drive without tahawwer you get ajer, and maybe this could get you into Heaven! Sb7aan Allah no one knows ^_^
I admit that I drove fast and when I exceed 120 Km/h and look at the gauge flashing to me warning me cuz I'm exceeding 120, I feel scared and think of death, so then I reduce my speed... I'm a typical boy I would love to drive fast but there are consequences in the end.
Allah yer7am mawtaana w mawta el Mslemeen w ye'3ferelna thnoobna.
W 9alla Allah 3ala sayyedna M7ammad w 3ala 2aalihi wa 9a7bihi wa sallam ^_^